Push Ups Benchmarks

Push Ups

We've done the research so you don't have to; below is a list of the best sites to use to benchmark your time in the Push Ups. This list was most recently updated on August 15, 2023. We'll update again as new sources become available or old one’s change.

Source Average Benchmark Dataset Data Source
Strength Level

GFF Choice

Male 41 reps
Female 19 Reps
Male and Female
5 strength levels
By bodyweight 110-310 lbs
16 Age Categories
Ages 15-90
Data compiled by Owner Michael Clark. Data is based on user inputs to system and anaylized by computing processes. We set standards based on what people put into the calculator. This allows us to provide standards that do not exist anywhere else on the web. We carefully judge each lift and lifter to see if we should include that lift when calculating the standards.

Sample size and composition not available.

Army Combat Fitness Test 2 mins
Male 57 reps
Femaile 53 Reps
Male and Female
10 age groups
Ages 17-62+
Soldier or Recruit Fitness Level
Data Compiled by the US Army based on internal fitness testing results.
TopEnd Sports Male 13-24
Female 7-12
Male and Female
7 measurement values
6 Age categories
Ages 17-65
Regular and Modified technique
Data Compiled by Robert Wood, Topend Sports | The Sports Fitness, Nutrition and Science Resource.
*the orginal source for this data is unknown. The tables for women has been modified from the original to account for the different techniques.
Fitness Testing Male 13-24
Female 7-12
Male and Female
7 measurement values
6 Age categories
Ages 17-65
Marathon Handbook Male 41
Female 12
5 Strength Levels
Male and Female
7 measurement values
6 Age categories
Ages 17-65
Data Compiled by MH based on US Army and other armed services, due to being more reliable since, theoretically, a test administrator observed the subject performing push-ups with proper technique and ended the test once technique issues arose.

Global Fast Fit

Test yourself and compare your total fitness level to others from around the world. We use real-time data from all ages and fitness levels.