
Global Fast Fit is 15 push-ups, 15 squats, 15 plank leg lifts, and a 0.25 KM (0.15 Miles) run done in any order, in rapid succession.

At GFF, we believe that fitness is not measured by how you look but how you function; the ability to perform certain basic body movements in rapid succession.

GFF measures the most important elements of fitness:

  1. Upper body strength – push-ups
  2. Core Strength – plank leg lifts
  3. Leg and Glute strength – squats
  4. Cardio Fitness – Total elapsed time for all exercises done in succession
  5. Speed – Short run
  6. Agility – The ability to very quickly move from one exercise to another

And combines this into a single number – your GFF time.

The unique combination of these exercises done together in the fastest possible time produces a single number that is a universal benchmark for overall functional fitness, applicable to everyone.

No such universal standard now exists. For instance, some people might use a running time, like a mile, as a standard of fitness, but that ignores strength. Others might use a measure of strength, such as the amount you can bench-press, ignoring cardio fitness. Others use complicated tests like VO2Max; sometimes blood tests are used. Many people confuse esthetic appeal with functional ability and judge fitness by appearance.

Of course, within individual sports, there may be different tests applicable to special groups performing specialized tasks; the NFL does a general fitness test for rookies, some branches of the military have fitness tests for entrants, schools test fitness with some combination of exercises, police and fire departments test entrants for the ability to perform those jobs.

But Global Fast Fit is different in that:

  • It is very simple, represented by a single elapsed time for the group of exercises
  • It can be done very quickly for those in good shape, or take much longer for those not in good shape, but generally anyone in moderate shape can complete the routine.
  • The times are very short; fastest so far is 3 minutes and 48 seconds. It doesn’t require endless amounts of time unlike, say, a triathlon.
  • The running portion can be done on a track, a treadmill, or anywhere outside with the help of any distance tracking app. The other 3 exercises don’t require any equipment.
  • It can be used both as a training routine and as a competitive measure in exactly the same way, and fitness can be obtained very quickly from these short, intense workouts.

Fast, simple, and universal – GFF is the world’s first broad functional fitness benchmark.

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