How Do I Compare


Are you seeking general exercise benchmarks? Often times you will spend time searching the web for reliable sources of information, and finding different results. Some metrics may not fit your fitness level, some do not take data from a large enough pool of participants, and some you are left wondering where they even got the information.

No worries, we have done the research and organized the top fitness benchmarks detailing their sources, testing composition, scores, and limitations. No longer will you need to search for accurate, relevant benchmarks that fit your fitness journey, we have created a database for you.

Click here to see all Benchmarks.


Do you ever wonder how you compare against others with a similar fitness level, or against top fitness enthusiasts around the world?

Global Fast Fit is the only HIIT workout that combines the core components of health and fitness to give you one score comparable to your peers around the world. The score will set a universal fitness standard that accurately assesses your overall fitness level at any given time.

Test your strength and endurance in rapid succession while recording the routine and upload the video to Global Fast Fit to place yourself on the world leaderboards. You can see, in real time, others scores and fitness profiles. Choose your own benchmarks.

Learn more and compete at